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Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kenapa harus Kuttab Al Ittihad?

Berlandaskan Al-Qur’an dan As-Sunah

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Kuttab menghadirkan Kurikulum yang mandiri yang bersumber langsung dari mata air ilmu yakni Al-Qur’an dan Hadits

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Konsep pendidikan islam yang murni yang mampu membawa peradaban dunia yang lebih baik dan membuka berbagai kemudahan dalam kehidupan

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Dasar Ilmu Fikih ibadah, Bahasa Arab, Matematika, Sains dan Ilmu Sosial. Semuanya diracik dalam Kurikulum Iman dan Qur’an

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Jumlah santri untuk satu kelas maksimal 15 orang santri dengan 2 orang guru mengajar Qur’an dan Iman serta murofaqotnya

Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Ada apa di Kuttab Al Ittihad?

Kegiatan Unggulan

Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
photo_2023 12 21_06 52 49
Bagaimana Peran Orang Tua?

Madrasah Orang Tua

Interactively foster just in time action items vis-a-vis parallel internal or "organic" sources. Synergistically exploit seamless vortals after equity invested e-markets. Collaboratively reinvent vertical sources through just in time total linkage.

Professionally grow intuitive opportunities with an expanded array of internal or "organic" sources. Proactively syndicate distributed niches before web-enabled action items. Dynamically conceptualize highly efficient action items rather than client-centered methodologies.

Professionally grow intuitive opportunities with an expanded array of internal or "organic" sources. Proactively syndicate distributed niches before web-enabled action items. Dynamically conceptualize highly efficient action items rather than client-centered methodologies.

Interactively foster just in time action items vis-a-vis parallel internal or "organic" sources. Synergistically exploit seamless vortals after equity invested e-markets. Collaboratively reinvent vertical sources through just in time total linkage.

Interactively foster just in time action items vis-a-vis parallel internal or "organic" sources. Synergistically exploit seamless vortals after equity invested e-markets. Collaboratively reinvent vertical sources through just in time total linkage.

Professionally grow intuitive opportunities with an expanded array of internal or "organic" sources. Proactively syndicate distributed niches before web-enabled action items. Dynamically conceptualize highly efficient action items rather than client-centered methodologies.

Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad

Pendaftaran Santri Baru

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Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Apa kata mereka?

Positive Parents Review Of Us

Monotonectally conceptualize economically sound value after accurate growth strategies. Quickly parallel task client-centric materials technologies.

Lihat Semua Testimoni
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Qualified Teachers

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Years of Experience

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Groups of Students

Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad
Kuttab Al Ittihad